What’s the cost to build travel apps like MakeMyTrip and GoIbibo in 2024?

What's the cost to build travel apps like MakeMyTrip and GoIbibo in 2024?
Mobile App Development 16 September, 2024

Travel apps ease trip planning, booking, and pricing comparison, making traveler life easier and opening up new revenue options for travel agencies. Mobile technology has completely changed the travel industry.

The increasing number of users using smartphones to plan their vacations is driving up the need for travel-related apps. This article covers the state of the travel app industry and the essential components of profitable apps. It also covers the expenses and technology required to create a modern travel app. Readers will learn what it takes to develop an appealing travel app in the modern day by looking at popular ones like Make My Trip and Go Ibibo.

Core Functionalities of Successful Travel Apps

It’s important to learn about the features that contribute to the popularity of apps like MakeMyTrip and Goibibo before exploring into the costs:

  • Profile Management and Registration: Let users sign up, make profiles, and handle their information.
  • Options for Search and Filtering: Make reservations for hotels, buses, trains, flights, and travel packages easier.
  • Booking and Reservation: Make it simpler to book travel packages, hotels, buses, trains, and airplanes.
  • Payment Gateways: Wallets, credit/debit cards, online banking, and other easy and secure payment options are available.
  • Instant Alerts: Send alerts, discounts, and booking confirmation alerts.
  • Reviews and Ratings: Permit customers to evaluate and rate accommodations and other services.
  • Customer Support: Provide phone, email, or chat assistance to customers at all times.
  • GPS Services: Help users to locate nearby hotels and destinations.
  • Itinerary Maker: Allow customers to arrange and maintain their own travel itinerary.
  • Loyalty programs: Give loyal customers incentives and points for their regular usage.

Cost of Developing a Travel Apps

Are you thinking about making a travel app but not sure about the costs? Here’s a simple overview of the main elements that impact the cost:

  • Complexity and Features: Increasing the complexity and adding more features will raise the cost.
  • Design: A highly expensive design might be visually appealing as well as simple to use.
  • Platform: The cost is impacted by developing for iOS, Android, or both.
  • Location of the Development Team: The cost of developers varies greatly depending on the area.
  • Backend Infrastructure: To handle huge volumes of data and traffic, dependable servers and databases are essential.
  • Third-party Services: There are fees associated with integrating with payment gateways, airline, hotels, and other APIs.
  • Testing and Maintenance: Continuous costs are associated with keeping the application bug-free and updated on a regular basis.

Cost Breakdown for Travel App Development

Once you have completed each step, you need to get in touch with a reputable mobile app development like YeasiTech, business that can offer you an expert developer at a reasonable price to create an app similar to Goibibo and Make My Trip. The approximate cost to create an app similar to Goibibo and Make My Trip is as follows:

Overall cost$30,000-$55,000
Table of Cost Breakdown of Travel App Development
Tech stacks of travel app

Technology stack used to make app like Goibibo and Make My Trip

You need the appropriate front-end and back-end technological stack to develop an app similar to Goibibo. The developers of a qualified mobile app development business put together this technology stack. The following technological stack was used in the creation of a travel booking app similar to Goibibo and Make My Trip:

  • Frontend- React Native
  • Backend- Node.js, Python
  • Location- Google API
  • Analytics- Google Analytics and Mixpanel
  • Cloud services- AWS, Azure
  • Storage- Amazon S3
  • Database- MySQL, MongoDB

How to build an app like Make My Trip or Goibibo?

To develop a travel apps that resembles Goibibo or Make My Trip, you must decide the features you want to provide your consumers. The phase-by-phase approach listed below should be followed in order to develop an app that is comparable to Make My Trip or Goibibo.

  1. Your app’s concept: Choose the idea behind your app or the services you wish to offer.
  2. Business model: Choose your company’s operating strategy, or how it will generate income.
  3. Tech stack: Pick the right stack of technologies by working with a reputable mobile app development the company.
  4. Market research: Research at different applications or businesses that are developing the same concept or business plan.
  5. Development cost: Determine the total cost to create an app similar to Make My Trip or Goibibo after conducting all necessary research and preparation.
  6. Testing: Once your software has been developed, evaluate its functionality across a range of platforms, including Windows, iOS, and Android.
  7. Marketing: To reach a larger audience, promote your application.
  8. Launch: Go to the Apple Store and Google Play Store and launch your app.

Target Audience and User Expectations

The primary target audience for travel apps is the 25–55 year old, busy professional with disposable income. Convenience is important to them, and they are prepared to spend money on hassle-free travel. Consumer demands are changing, and there is an increasing need for:

  • Functions for advanced searches: Customers require information on visa requirements, terminal transfer times, and connecting flight information.
  • Customized instructions: Visitors expect specific recommendations based on their previous choices and interests.
  • Flexible booking options: More than half of tourists are willing to book mysterious locations and are open to impromptu travel.
  • Complete Travel planning: Customers like apps that include recommendations for local attractions, dining options, and entertainment in along with standard booking services.

Travel apps must concentrate on providing a smooth, customized experience that simplifies the whole trip process, from preparation to execution, in order to live up to these expectations.

The travel apps market is growing fast, and revenue is expected to hit $533 million by 2027. This growth is due to the rising need for easy and personalized travel experiences. Travel apps are improving the online experience by providing simple and fast booking and search options. A major trend is the increase in AI-powered personalization. Booking.com expects AI to become a common feature in travel apps, allowing them to offer recommendations based on users’ interests, preferences, and budgets.

Travelers have different demands, and this technology is important to satisfying those needs, whether they are seeking unique luxury experiences or more economical ones. Prioritizing safety and sustainability is another expanding trend. Apps that provide eco-friendly solutions are anticipated to gain popularity as travelers are more conscious of the impact of their travels on the environment.

Competitor Analysis: Make My Trip & Go Ibibo

In the travel app market, Make My Trip and Go Ibibo are big names in India. They both provide a variety of services like flight tickets, hotel bookings, holiday packages, and transportation reservations. Make My Trip gets more website traffic than Go Ibibo. In June 2024, makemytrip.com had more visits than goibibo.com. Both apps mostly get their traffic from India, but Make My Trip has a bigger share of the Indian market.

Reasons to choose Yeasitech to build an app like Make My Trip or Goibibo

Here are a few good arguments for using Yeasitech to create a travel booking software similar to Make My Trip or Goibibo:

  • Yeasitech has completed a number of mobile app development-related projects.
  • Our experienced development team is qualified to create travel booking app similar to Make My Trip or Goibibo.
  • Yeasitech provides a cost-effective solution for creating a travel app like to Make My Trip or Goibibo.

You can check our other web-related services too here at YeasiTech


Developing an app similar to MakeMyTrip or Goibibo requires a substantial financial commitment, but considering the increasing market for online travel services, it may prove to be cost-effective. You may make a successful and affordable trip booking app by working with an experienced development team and doing thorough preparation. Remember, the key to success lies not just in the app’s features, but also in providing a seamless user experience and reliable customer support.

Hire Yeasitech’ talented mobile app developers to design a vacation booking app that competes Make My Trip or Goibibo. To create a travel app similar to Make My Trip or Goibibo, our dedicated group of app developers will provide you with the best price.

In order to develop an app that is comparable to Make My Trip or Goibibo, please get in touch with us right away.

1. What is the typical cost to develop a travel application?

Developing a travel app usually costs between $25,000 and $50,000. A basic version, or MVP, is the cheapest at about $37,500.

2. Is it cheaper to build a travel app for a single platform?

Yes, it is typically less expensive to design an app for one platform (iOS or Android) than for both. But this could limit how far the application can go.

3. What factors influence the cost of building a travel booking app?

Features and complexity, design quality, platform (iOS, Android, or both), location of the development team, backend infrastructure, external providers, and continuous maintenance are all important considerations.

4. How can I reduce the cost of building a travel booking app?

Phased development should be taken into consideration, prioritizing functionality, selecting an effective development team, and using pre-existing integrations and solutions.

5. Is it worth investing in a travel booking app?

The increased demand for online travel services means that a travel booking app might be an effective venture with the correct plan and execution.

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