Mobile App Development Costs in Australia: Key Factors & Savings Tips

Mobile App Development Costs in Australia
Mobile App Development 16 September, 2024

You’re not alone if you’re wondering about the cost of developing an app in Australia. This blog will delve into the factors influencing mobile app development costs and offer expert advice on creating a top-notch mobile app for your business without exceeding your budget.

Factors Affecting App Costs in Australia

The mobile app industry is booming, with apps for shopping, games, social media, food delivery, and learning. However, mobile app development costs in Australia vary based on several key factors. Let’s explore what affects the cost of developing mobile apps in Australia:

1. Type and Complexity of the App

The nature and complexity of an app significantly determine its cost:

High-end, Full-featured Apps: AUD 300,000 to AUD 450,000

Basic Applications: AUD 45,000 to AUD 120,000

Complex Apps with Smart Functionality: AUD 120,000 to AUD 300,000

2. Platform Choice

According to Statista, Android is the most widely used smartphone operating system in Australia, with a 52.9% market share. Despite Android’s dominance in the smartphone industry, iOS is steadily catching up and now accounts for more than 47% of the market.

  • Single Platform: It is less expensive to create for either iOS or Android than for both. Prices for a single platform vary from 20,000 to 60,000 Australian dollars.
  • Cross-platform: The cost of creating an app that runs flawlessly on both iOS and Android increases. Budget between AUD 50,000 and AUD 15,000 for your costs.

3. Development Team and Location

The location of your development team also impacts costs. Developers in larger cities like Sydney and Melbourne charge higher fees compared to those in smaller towns or rural areas. The hourly rate ranges from AUD 100 to AUD 250.

4. Maintenance and upgrades

Post-launch care and updates are ongoing expenses, typically 15% to 20% of the original development cost annually. This includes bug fixes, new features, and OS compatibility updates.

Savings tips to Reduce Mobile App Development Costs

Strategies to Reduce Mobile App Development Costs

Mobile app development in Australia can be expensive, but there are ways to manage and reduce these costs. One effective approach is to consider working with developers from countries with lower labor costs, such as India. Here are some strategies to help you reduce mobile app development costs:

1. Define Your Objectives

Clearly define the app’s goals, features, and requirements at the start. This helps avoid unnecessary work and costs, ensuring the project stays on budget and on schedule.

2. Cross-platform Development

Developing a single app that works on both iOS and Android can save time and resources. Cross-platform development can be more cost-effective than creating separate apps for each platform.

3. Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Start with a basic version of your app that includes only the essential features. This MVP approach allows you to launch quickly, gather user feedback, and then add more features over time, spreading out development costs.

4. Use Open Source Software

Leverage open-source libraries and frameworks. These can save significant time and money, as they are often free and maintained by a community of developers. Ensure they meet your app’s needs and security standards.

5. Outsource to Indian Developers

Indian developers offer high-quality services at a fraction of the cost of Australian developers. Outsourcing to India can dramatically reduce your development expenses while maintaining excellent standards. Just ensure to vet potential partners thoroughly to ensure quality and effective communication.

6. Employ Ready-made Templates

Consider using app builders or pre-made templates for some app features. These templates can be customized to fit your needs, saving both time and money.

7. Focus on Essential Features

Prioritize the most important features for your app. Avoid adding unnecessary functionalities that complicate development and increase costs. Keeping the app simple can help you stay within budget and speed up the launch process.

8. Thorough Testing

Invest in comprehensive testing to catch and fix issues early. Early detection of bugs and problems is usually less costly than post-launch fixes, ensuring a smoother and more cost-effective development process.

Why Is App Development So Expensive

Why Mobile App Development is So Expensive in Australia?

Understanding the high costs can help businesses make better budgeting decisions. Key reasons include:

  • Platform Choice: Developing for both iOS and Android doubles the work and cost.
  • Complexity and Features: Advanced features increase development time and costs.
  • Hidden Costs: Additional expenses include app store fees, marketing, data storage, and legal compliance.
  • Design and User Experience: Designs with complex animations and graphics raise costs.
Savings Tips of mobile app development costs in australia


Understanding mobile app development costs is key for effective budgeting. While development in Australia is expensive, outsourcing to more affordable regions like India can significantly reduce costs. Key factors include app complexity, design, and ongoing maintenance.

By setting clear objectives, choosing cross-platform development, starting with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), and using open-source software, you can manage costs effectively. Outsourcing to skilled Indian developers offers high-quality, cost-effective solutions. Focus on essential features and thorough testing to further optimize the process.

Strategic planning and informed decisions will help you create a successful, budget-friendly mobile app that meets your business needs.


How long does it take to develop an app in Australia?

Development timelines range from 3 months to over a year, depending on the app’s complexity and features.

How do costs compare between Australian and Indian developers?

Australian development costs are higher, ranging from AUD 25,000 to over AUD 300,000. Indian developers can reduce costs by 50% or more.
For a detailed quote, timeline, and more, discuss your project with our developers.

What are key strategies to reduce development costs?

Define clear objectives
Opt for cross-platform development
Outsource to Indian developers
Start with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
Use open-source software
Focus on essential features

Can I launch my app with a smaller budget in Australia?

Yes, you can start with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that includes only essential features. This approach reduces initial development costs and allows you to gather user feedback before investing in additional features, helping you manage your budget effectively.

Is it worth outsourcing mobile app development overseas?

Absolutely. Outsourcing to countries like India can significantly lower costs without compromising quality. Many overseas developers offer high-quality services at a fraction of the price, making it a cost-effective solution for businesses in Australia looking to develop mobile apps.

What factors should I consider when choosing a mobile app development team in Australia?

When selecting a development team, consider their experience, portfolio, and expertise in your industry. Also, compare hourly rates, location (developers in major cities charge more), and their ability to provide ongoing support and updates, which are crucial for long-term app success.

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